Mustang Invitational
Hosted by the Grapevine High School Cheerleading Program
Save the date!
The 2024-2025 Mustang Invitational will be on
January 11, 2025.
More information will be available soon.
Congratulations to our award winners!
Henry High Point Grand Champion
Birdville High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Birdville High School
6A Champion
Paschal High School
6A Runner Up
Royse City High School
5A D1 Champion, Best Band Chant, Best Crowd Leading, Best Fight Song
Birdville High School
5A D1 Runner Up
Aledo High School
5A D1 3rd Place
Midlothian High School
5A D1 4th Place
Reedy High School
5A D2 Champion
Crandall High School
5A D2 Runner Up
Midlothian Heritage High School
5A D2 3rd Place
Emerson High School
Coed Champion
Arlington Heights High School
Grand Champion Small Conference
Aubrey High School
4A Champion
Aubrey High School
4A Runner Up
Celina High School
4A 3rd Place
Farmersville High School
3A Champion
Brock High School
3A Runner Up
S & S High School
2A Champion
Joaquin High School
2A Runner Up
Leon High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Aledo JV
Jr Varsity Champion
Aledo JV
Jr Varsity Runner Up
Paschal JV
Jr Varsity 3rd Place
Arlington Heights JV
Jr High Champion
Harwood Jr. High School
Jr High Runner Up
Cross Timbers Middle School
High Point Grand Champion
Crandall High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Crandall High School
6A D1 Champion
Southlake Carroll Senior High School
6A D1 Runner Up
L.D. Bell High School
6A D2 Champ
Chisolm Trail High School
6A D2 Runner Up
Rockwall Heath High School
5A D1 Champ Group A
Wylie East High School
5A D1 Runner Up Group A
Cleburne High School
5A D1 3rd Place Group A
Red Oak High School
5A D1 Champ Group B, Best Crowd Leading Champ
Birdville High School
5A D1 Runner Up Group B
Frisco Independence High School
5A D1 3rd Place Group B
Royse City
5A D2 Champion, Best Fight Song Champ, Best Band Chant
Crandall High School
Coed Champion
Arlington Heights High School
Coed Runner Up
Weatherford High School
Grand Champion Small Conference
Aubrey High School
4A Champion
Aubrey High School
4A Runner Up
Celina High School
4A Third Place
Carter High School
3A Champ
Brock High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Argyle Middle School
Jr Varsity Champion
Arlington Heights JV
Jr Varsity Runner Up
Crandall JV
Jr High Campion
Argyle Middle School
High Point Grand Champion
Birdville High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Birdville High School
6A D1 Champion, Best Band Dance
Trinity Hight School
6A D1 Runner Up
Desoto High School
6A D2 Champion, Best Crowd Leading
Southlake Carroll High School
6A D2 Runner Up, Best Fight Song
Weatherford High School
5A D1 Champion, Best Crowd Leading, Best Fight Song
Birdville High School
5A D1 Runner Up
Cleburne High School
5A D1 3rd Place
Wylie East Hight School
5A D1 4th Place
Red Oak High School
5A D2 Champion
Royse City High School
5A D2 Runner Up
Lebanon Trail High School
Grand Champion Small Conference
Argyle High School
4A Champion, Best Crowd Leading, Best Fight Song
Argyle High School
4A Runner Up, Best Band Dance
Crandall High School
3A Champion
Brock High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Crandall JV
Jr Varsity Champion, Best Band Dance, Best Fight Song
Crandall JV
Jr Varsity Runner Up, Best Crowd Leading
Red Oak JV
Jr High Campion
Smith & Wheat Middle School
Jr High Runner Up
Red Oak Middle School
High Point Grand Champion
Birdville High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Southlake Carroll Senior High School
6A D1 Champion
Carroll Senior High School
6A D1 Runner Up
Allen High School
6A D2 Champion
Paschal High School
6A D2 Runner Up
Wylie East High School
5A D1 Champion, Best Band Chant, Best Fight Song
Birdville High School
5A D1 Runner Up
Reedy High School
5A D1 3rd Place
Cleburne High School
5A D1 4th Place
Midlothian High School
5A D2 Champion
Crandall High School
5A D2 Runner Up
Independence High School
Coed Champion, Best Crowd Leading
Arlington Heights High School
Coed Runner Up
Weatherford High School
Grand Champion Small Conference
Aubrey High School
4A Champion
Aubrey High School
4A Runner Up
Celina High School
3A Champ
Brock High School
3A Runner Up
S&S High School
2A Champ
Leon High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Arlington Heights JV
Jr Varsity Champion
Arlington Heights JV
Jr Varsity Runner Up
Crandall JV
Jr High Champion
Argyle Middle School
Jr High Runner Up
Harwood Jr High
High Point Grand Champion
Crandall High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Southlake Carroll High School
6A D1 Champion
Southlake Carroll High School
6A D1 Runner Up
L.D. Bell High School
6A D2 Champion
Central High School
6A D2 Runner Up
Grand Champion Small Conference
Crandall High School
5A D1 Champion
Brewer High School
5A D1 Runner Up, Best Band Dance
Birdville High School
5A D1 3rd Place
Wylie East Hight School
5A D1 4th Place
Arlington Heights High School
5A D2 Champion, Best Crowd Leading, Best Fight Song -
Crandall High School
5A D2 Runner Up
North Forney High School
4A Champion
Argyle High School
4A Runner Up
Celina High School
3A Champion
Brock High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Arlington Heights JV
Jr Varsity Champion
Arlington Heights JV
Jr Varsity Runner Up
Colleyville Heritage JV
High Point Grand Champion
Southlake Carroll Senior High School
Grand Champion Large Conference
Southlake Carroll Senior High School
6A D1 Champion, Best Crowd Leading 6A
Trinity High School
6A D1 Runner Up
DeSoto High School
6A 2 Champion, Best Band Dance 6A, Best Fight Song 6A
Southlake Carroll Senior High School
6A D2 Runner Up
Weatherford High School
5A D1 Champion, Best Crowd Leading 5A
Frisco Independence High School
5A D1 Runner Up
Newman Smith High School
5A D1 3rd Place
Wylie East High School
5A D2 Champion, Best Band Dance 5A, Best Fight Song 5A
Royse City High School
5A D2 Runner Up
North Forney High School
Grand Champion Small Conference
Crandall High School Varsity
4A Champion, Best Band Dance, Best Crowd Leading, Best Fight Song
Crandall High School Varsity
4A Runner Up
Argyle High School
4A 3rd Place
Aubrey High School
3A Champion
Brock High School
Grand Champion Non-Varsity Team
Crandall JV